Workshop on the Standard Model and Beyond
Due to COVID-19 restrictions, all CORFU2020 sessions are postponed.
Some sessions will take place in the Spring of 2021, while others near the end of August and September 2021. The details will be announced soon.
Additional workshops and schools are scheduled to be organized in September 2021. The CORFU2019 proceedings are expected to be published in the summer of 2020.
- The National Technical University of Athens
- The Municipality of Corfu
- The Regional Government of the Ionian Islands (Periphery of the Ionian Islands)
D. Ghilencea, J. Kalinowski, M.N. Rebelo, D. Varouchas, G. Zoupanos
D. Ghilencea, J. Kalinowski, S. Maltezos, G. Manolakos, G. Patellis, N. Tracas, D. Varouchas, G. Zoupanos
F. del Aguila, J.A. Aguilar Saavedra, I. Antoniadis, R. Barbieri, M.B. Gavela, N. Glover, W. Hollik, J. Kalinowski, G. Koutsoumbas, C. Papadopoulos, R. Pittau, M.N. Rebelo, A. Ringwald, G. Rodrigo, S. Sarkar, E. Tsesmelis, G. Zanderighi
- ▪ QCD Physics
- ▪ Electroweak Physics (SM and beyond)
- ▪ Higgs Physics (LHC plus BSM Physics)
- ▪ The origin of Flavour (study of flavour, CP violation, top observables and perspectives at high energy colliders. SM and Beyond)
- ▪ Neutrino Physics (what is the mechanism behind neutrino mass? what is thescale of new physics? with emphasis on present and future neutrino experiments), Physics Beyond the SM
- ▪ Astroparticle Physics and Cosmology (including Leptogenesis, Baryogenesis,Dark Matter studies and searches, Dark Energy, Axions, Inflation, Gravitational Waves)
- Registered Participants: TBA
- Aug 30: Arrival/Registration day.
- Sep 09: Departure date.
- Detailed Programme: TBA
Mon-Repos, Corfu, Greece
(click here for a larger map, for a menu click on the top left icon of the map, GPS: geo:39.606101,19.926115)

Guaranteed hotel availability is for a very limited time! Please make your hotel reservations ASAP!
The registration fee is 220€. For students and young postdocs the fee is 120€. Payments must be transferred to the NTUA bank account shown in this form and the receipt emailed to Mrs Ifigeneia Moraiti.