Workshop on the Standard Model and Beyond
August 31 - September 9, 2018
Co-organized by: |
COST: Action CA15108 Connecting insights in fundamental physics (supported by the EU Framework Programme Horizon 2020) |
COST: Action CA16201 Unraveling new physics at the LHC through the precision frontier |
Co-organized and Supported by: |
National Technical University of Athens |
Municipality of Corfu |
ITN: Invisibles |
ERC Grant: LHCtheory Theoretical Predictions and Analyses of LHC Physics:
"Advancing the Precision Frontier" |
Max Planck Institute for Physics,
National Technical University of Athens,
Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY),
IPPP Durham,
IFT Madrid,
Sommerfeld Center for Theoretical Physics,
U. Uppsala,
University of Warsaw,
University of Granada,
CFTP/IST, U. Lisboa,
IFIC Valencia,
Oxford University,
Universidad Autonoma de Madrid,
Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa ,
NCSR "Demokritos",
NIPNE Bucharest ,
T.U. München,
Organizing Committee: |
F. del Aguila, J. A. Aguilar Saavedra, I. Antoniadis, R. Barbieri, M. B. Gavela, D. Ghilencea, N. Glover, W. Hollik, J. Kalinowski, G. Koutsoumbas, C. Papadopoulos, R. Pittau, M.N. Rebelo, A. Ringwald, G. Rodrigo, S. Sarkar, E. Tsesmelis, D. Varouchas, A. Weiler, G. Zanderighi |
Preliminary list of Speakers includes: |
C. Anastasiou (ETH Zurich) |
H.S. Lee (KAIST) |
P. Anastasopoulos (Vienna U) |
G. Leontaris (Ioannina U) |
I. Antoniadis (Jussieu/Bern U) |
T. Li* (ITP Beijing) |
K. Jung Bae (IBS Daejeon) |
C.S. Lim (Tokyo Woman’s Christian U) |
M. Bastero-Gil (Granada U) |
S. Lola (U Patras) |
A. Belyaev (U Southampton) |
Y. Mambrini* (LPT Orsay) |
K. Benakli (Paris, LPTHE) |
P. Marquard (DESY Zeuthen) |
G. Bhattacharyya (Saha INP) |
M. Martinez (U Zaragoza) |
C. Biggio (U Genoa) |
N. Mavromatos (Kings College) |
J. Bluemlein (DESY Zeuthen) |
P. Minkowski* (U BERN) |
G.C. Branco (CFTP/IST, U Lisboa) |
V. Mitsou (Valencia U) |
F. Buccella (INFN, Naples) |
M. Mondragon (UNAM Mexico) |
A. Caldwell (MPI) |
H.B. Nielsen (Niels Bohr) |
L. Calibbi (ITP Beijing) |
K. Nikolopoulos (U Birmingham) |
A. Casas (CSIC, Madrid) |
K. Nishiwaki (KIAS) |
A. Cooper-Sarkar (U Oxford) |
I. Oda (Ryukyu U) |
A. Dedes (Ioannina U) |
K. Papadodimas (CERN & U Groningen) |
C. Degrande (CERN) |
P. Paradisi (INFN Padova) |
Ph. Diessner (DESY Hamburg) |
S. Pokorski (Warsaw U) |
A.Di Domenico (INFN, Rome) |
J. Reuter (DESY Hamburg) |
E. Dudas (Ecole Polytechnique) |
A. Ringwald (DESY) |
D. Ghilencea (IFIN-HH) |
E. Rondio (NCNR, Swierk) |
D. Gorbunov (INR Moscow) |
G.G. Ross (U Oxford) |
A. Goudelis (LPTHE, Sorbonne U & CNRS) |
H. Rzehak (CP3-Origin) |
P. Govoni (U Milano-Bicocca) |
A. Santra (Valencia U) |
N. Harnew (U Oxford) |
E.N. Saridakis (NTUA) |
S. Heinemeyer (IFT/IFCA (CSIC)) |
S. Sarkar (U Oxford) |
J. Heisig (RWTH Aachen U) |
P. Salucci (SISSA) |
Y. Hosotani (Osaka U) |
T. Schörner-Sadenius (U Hamburg & DESY) |
K. Huitu (U Helsinki) |
P.D. Serpico (LAPTH) |
N. Irges (NTUA) |
C. Sub Shin (IBS) |
T. Jones (U Liverpool) |
M. Son (KAIST) |
P. Kanti (Ioannina U) |
L. Stodolsky (MPI-Werner Heisenberg Inst) |
I. Katsioulas (CEA Saclay IRFU/DEDIP) |
D. Stoeckinger (TU Dresden) |
V. Khoze (Durham U) |
K. Tamvakis (Ioannina U) |
V. Keus (U Helsinki) |
M. Tanimoto (U Niigata) |
J. E Kim (IBS Daejeon/Kyung Hee U) |
Z. Trócsányi (Debrecen) |
N. Košnik (JSI & U Ljubljana) |
E. Tsesmelis (CERN & Oxford U) |
B. Kyae (Pusan Nat U) |
G. Valencia (Monash U) |
A. Kuleza (Munster U) |
R. Ziegler (CERN) |
Z. Lalak (Warsaw U) |
R. Zwicky (U Edinburgh) |
O. Lebedev (U Helsinki) |
(*): to be confirmed
Workshop speakers will be also selected among the participating young scientists
Workshop Topics:
SM precision tests and tools, QCD and EW physics; Higgs physics; Flavour
Physics, Neutrino Physics, Beyond the SM (theory, codes and experimental
searches), SUSY, Astroparticle Physics, Cosmology, Dark matter/Dark
energy, Gravitational Waves, Heavy Ions/Quark Gluon Plasma, ATLAS,
CMS, ALICE, LHCb, Future projects (CLIC, ILC, FCC, LHC upgrade).
Registered Participants: click here for list
Programme |
Aug 31: Arrival/Registration day.
Sep 01: SM (EW and QCD).
Sep 02: Higgs.
Sep 03: Flavour.
Sep 04: Neutrinos.
Sep 05: morning: BSM (non-SUSY)
afternoon: Boat trip (date may change due to weather conditions).
Sep 06: BSM (non-SUSY).
Sep 07: SUSY, Exotics, more formal topics.
Sep 08: Astro/Cosmology/Dark Matter.
Sep 09: Departure date.
Detailed programme: available here
Meeting Location |
Mon-Repos, Corfu, Greece (google map of the area, geo:39.606101,19.926115)
Accommodations |
Guaranteed hotel availability is for a very limited time! Please make your hotel reservations ASAP!
Registration Fee |
The registration fee is 150€. The fee is waived if the lowcost package is chosen.
Payments must be transferred to the NTUA bank account shown in this form and the receipt emailed to Mrs Ifigeneia Moraiti.