Scientific Context:
This workshop aims at bringing together experts in theoretical and mathematical physics, working on diverse aspects of dualities in field and string theories and on generalizations of geometry such as non-commutative, non-associative and generalized complex geometries.
In recent years, there has been a tremendous progress in the study of the quantum structure of space-time from the point of view of closed string theory, mainly sparked from the discovery of theories promoting dualities as manifest symmetries, such as Double Field Theory and Exceptional Field Theories, the discovery of non-commutative and non-associative geometries in closed string backgrounds with fluxes, and the interplay of generalised notions of duality with integrable models and the applications of generalised dualities to holography.
An exciting aspect of these developments is that they brought together physicists and mathematicians representing different traditions in the study of space-time structures, such as non-commutative geometry, string theory, generalized complex geometry, differential geometry of Lie and Courant algebroids, and others. Furthermore, interest in the area encompasses physical approaches with emphasis on applications to gravity and cosmology, as well as more formal approaches with focus on geometry and mathematical structures. Our workshop will offer an environment where this scientific diversity will be represented and boosted.