Workshop on the Standard Model and Beyond
September 2 - September 10, 2017
Dedicated to the memory of Maria Krawczyk
Supported by: |
COST: Action CA15108 Connecting insights in fundamental physics (supported by the EU Framework Programme Horizon 2020) |
Coorganized and Supported by: |
COST: Action CA15108 Connecting insights in fundamental physics |
ITN: HiggsTools |
ITN: Invisibles |
ERC Grant: LHCtheory Theoretical Predictions and Analyses of LHC Physics:
"Advancing the Precision Frontier" |
Max Planck Institute for Physics,
National Technical University of Athens,
Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY),
IPPP Durham,
IFT Madrid,
Sommerfeld Center for Theoretical Physics,
U. Uppsala,
University of Warsaw,
University of Granada,
CFTP/IST, U. Lisboa,
IFIC Valencia,
Oxford University,
Universidad Autonoma de Madrid,
Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa ,
NCSR "Demokritos",
NIPNE Bucharest ,
T.U. München
Organizing Committee: |
F. del Aguila, J. A. Aguilar Saavedra, I. Antoniadis, R. Barbieri, M. B. Gavela, D. Ghilencea, N. Glover, W. Hollik, J. Kalinowski, G. Koutsoumbas, C. Papadopoulos, R. Pittau, M.N. Rebelo, A. Ringwald, G. Rodrigo, S. Sarkar, E. Tsesmelis, A. Weiler, G. Zanderighi |
Invited Speakers include: |
S. Abel (Durham U) |
Z. Lalak (Warsaw U) |
C. Alexandrou (U Cyprus) |
G. Lazarides (Aristotle U) |
A. Ali (DESY) |
O. Lebedev (U Helsinki) |
F. Antinori (CERN) |
H.M. Lee (Chung-Ang U, Seoul) |
I. Antoniadis (Paris & Bern U) |
G.K. Leontaris (Ioannina U) |
N. Antoniou (Athens U) |
C.S. Lim (Tokyo Woman's Christian U) |
R. Barbieri (SNS, Pisa) |
S. Lola (Patras U) |
J. Bernabeu (Valencia U) |
C. Lourenco (CERN) |
F. Botella (Valencia U) |
E. Ma (UC Riverside) |
G.C. Branco (Lisbon U) |
F.N. Mahmoudi (CERN) |
F. Buccella (Naples U & INFN, Naples) |
M. Mangano (CERN) |
J. Butterworth (UC London) |
N. Mavromatos (Kings College, London) |
C. Charmousis (LPT, Orsay) |
A. Masiero (Padua U & INFN, Padua) |
K. Choi (KAIST & IBS Daejeon) |
K. Meissner (Warsaw U) |
A. Cooper-Sarkar (Oxford U) |
P. Minkowski (Bern U) |
A. Dedes (Ioannina U) |
V. Mitsou (Valencia U, IFIC) |
G. Degrassi (U degli Studi Roma Tre) |
A. Morselli (INFN) |
P. de Forcrand (ETH, Zurich & CERN) |
M. Nemevsek (Inst "Jožef Stefan", Ljubljana) |
A. de Rujula (CERN) |
H.B. Nielsen (NBI) |
A. de Roeck (CERN) |
O.M. Øgreid (Bergen Coll) |
F. Diakonos (U Athens) |
K. Orginos (William and Mary & JNL) |
P. Dimopoulos (Centro Fermi & U Roma "Tor Vergata") |
P. Osland (Bergen U) |
E. Dudas (E. Polytechnique Paris) |
E. Paschos (Dortmund U) |
E. Elsen (CERN) |
M. Pepe-Altarelli (CERN) |
J. Ramon-Espinosa (ICREA Barcelona) |
G. Perez (Weizmann Inst) |
L. Fayard (Orsay, LAL) |
A. Pich (Valencia U, IFIC) |
P. Fayet (ENS Paris) |
S. Pokorski (Warsaw U) |
F. Feruglio (INFN, Padua & Padua U) |
A. Pomarol (IFAE & ICREA Barcelona) |
E. Gabrielli (Trieste U) |
A. Pilaftsis (Manchester U) |
M. Gazdzicki (Frankfurt&Jan Kochanowski U) |
M. Quiros (IFAE & ICREA Barcelona) |
B. Gavela (UAM Madrid) |
M. Raidal (Tallinn U) |
D. Ghilencea (IFIN) |
I. Rizos (Ioannina U) |
G. Giudice (CERN) |
A. Romanino (SISSA) |
B. Grzadkowski (Warsaw U) |
G. Ross (Oxford U) |
T. Hahn (MPI, Munich) |
A. Sagnotti (SNS Pisa) |
N. Harnew (Oxford U) |
F. Sannino (CP3 Origins) |
S. Heinemeyer (Cantabria U & UAM Madrid) |
V. Sanz (Sussex) |
W. Hollik (MPI, Munich) |
S. Sarkar (Oxford U) |
A. Ibarra (Tech U Munich) |
K. Schmidt-Hoberg (DESY) |
N. Irges (NTUA) |
M. Shaposhnikov (EPFL Lausanne) |
J. Kalinowski (Warsaw U) |
J. Solà (U Barcelona) |
J. Kersten (Bergen U) |
A. Strumia (CERN) |
V.A. Khoze (Durham U) |
A. Studenikin (Moscow U) |
V.V. Khoze (Durham U) |
M. Tanimoto (Niigata U) |
J.E. Kim (IBS Daejeon & Kyung Hee U) |
E. Tsesmelis (CERN & Oxford U) |
S.F. King (U Southampton) |
Z. Trocsanyi (Debrecen U) |
F. Knechtli (Wuppertal U) |
J. Valle (U Valencia) |
P. Ko (KIAS) |
L. Velasco-Sevilla (Bergen U) |
K. Kokkotas (Tuebingen U) |
O. Vives (U Valencia) |
M. Koratzinos (CERN) |
A. Weiler (T U München) |
G. Koutsoumbas (NTUA) |
P. Wells (CERN) |
M. Krawczyk (Warsaw U) |
R. Zwicky (U Edinburgh) |
E. Laenen (Nikhef) |
Workshop speakers will be also selected among the participating young scientists
Workshop Topics:
Higgs Physics,
QCD (jets, structure functions, QCD corrections to various processes),
Lattice QCD (spectra, form factors, phase transitions, decay constants),
Flavour Physics,
Neutrino Physics,
Beyond the SM (theory and experimental searches), Heavy Ions/Quark Gluon Plasma,
Astroparticle Physics and Cosmology, LHC, ATLAS, CMS, ALICE, LHCb,
Future projects (CLIC, ILC, FCC, LHC upgrade), Gravitational Waves.
Registered Participants: click here for list
Program |
September 2: Arrival/Registration day. September 10: Departure date.
Detailed programme: available here.
Meeting Location |
Mon-Repos, Corfu, Greece (google map of the area)